Qualitative illustration of the distortion-perception tradeoff.

Posterior-Mean Rectified Flow: Towards Minimum MSE Photo-Realistic Image Restoration (preprint)

Posterior-Mean Rectified Flow (PMRF) is a novel photo-realistic image restoration algorithm. It (provably) approximates the optimal estimator that minimizes the Mean Squared Error (MSE) under a perfect perceptual quality constraint.

October 2024 · Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad
Illustration of our proposed notion of perceptual fairness.

Perceptual Fairness in Image Restoration (NeurIPS 2024)

We propose a new definition of fairness for image restoration algorithms, draw its connection to previous ones, study its theoretical properties, and demonstrate its practical utility.

May 2024 · Guy Ohaayon, Michael Elad, Tomer Michaeli
Qualitative illustration of the perception-robustness tradeoff.

The Perception-Robustness Tradeoff in Deterministic Image Restoration (ICML 2024)

We prove that the Lipschitz constant of a deterministic restoration algorithm grows to infinity as the algorithm approaches perfect perceptual quality and perfect consistency with the measurements.

November 2023 · Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad
Visual results, where we enhance the perceptual quality of DDRM

Deep Optimal Transport: A Practical Algorithm for Photo-realistic Image Restoration (NeurIPS 2023)

We propose an image restoration algorithm that can control the perceptual quality and/or the mean square error (MSE) of any pre-trained model, trading one over the other at test time.

June 2023 · Theo Adrai, Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad
Visual comparison with a previous method.

High-Perceptual Quality JPEG Decoding via Posterior Sampling (CVPR 2023 Workshop)

We propose a novel JPEG decoding GAN-based algorithm that samples from the posterior distribution

November 2022 · Sean Man, Guy Ohayon, Theo Adrai, Michael Elad
The take-home messages from our paper.

Reasons for the Superiority of Stochastic Estimators over Deterministic Ones: Robustness, Consistency and Perceptual Quality (ICML 2023)

We reveal fundamental advantages of stochastic image restoration algorithms over deterministic ones.

November 2022 · Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad
Visual results

High Perceptual Quality Image Denoising With a Posterior Sampling CGAN (ICCV 2021 Workshop)

We propose a novel CGAN algorithm that avoids the mode collapse issue and samples from the posterior distribution

March 2021 · Guy Ohayon, Theo Adrai, Gregory Vaksman, Michael Elad, Peyman Milanfar